The Peace and Justice Award (and nominations)

Hello there and happy day to all!

How are you all? This post comes as a blessing. The short time that I have been writing I have received so many amazing comments, so much support and even more so, awards. I am astonished. I knew I always wanted to write, I knew that I always wanted to keep going and most of all, I knew that I always wanted to spread the love as far as possible.

I am still working on my dream. I am still working hard to achieve those goals. Along the way I have talked to people around the world, made cool contacts for future projects, gotten awards and best of all, made new blogging friends!

Thank you! Thank you for helping my dreams come true as I motivate you, as I let you into my world, as I decorate your life with positive vibes.

Without further due, I got presented this award by Good Time Stories. He is a true inspiration. He was a coach, he’s got motivation in his blood. And now he’s dedicated to his blog, spreading good hearted stories to make your day brighter. On top of that, lets us know that there is still a lot of kindness in this world. Now, that is the way to go!

Check him out, follow him and fall in love with these heart felt stories he shares!

Now for the following:

According to the founder of this award, Idealistic Rebel @ she explains the award in her own words:

“I am creating this award to honor WordPress bloggers who support Peace and Justice throughout the world and who are against Racism, Bigotry, Anger and Hatred. It is the for the Heroes and the Sheroes who believe in One World and All People of all Races, Sexes, Religions, Creeds and Cultures Living in Harmony.

Here are the rules for the award:

1.Recipients should frequently write about Peace, Justice, Love — the goodness in the world, or putting goodness in the world.
2.Recipients may also frequently call attention to the bigotry or racism that happens in the world.
3.Link back to whomever nominated you and, since this is about goodness, politely thank them.
4.Spread the love to whomever and however many you believe deserve it!

Here are a few of my nominations:

Ize –

Cris Arechaederra-


Tell me about it –

Carmina Valdizan-

Journey to Self-Acceptance-

Everyday Power Blog-

To every writer, blogger and hard worker out there, congrats! You are making your dream come true due to all the hard work you are putting in. Keep shining, keep writing and Spread the Love. 

– The Always Believer








Feel free to stop by and say hello! Follow and join us as we make this world a much happier place. 🙂 


4 responses to “The Peace and Justice Award (and nominations)

  1. Pingback: Peace and Justice Award, thanks belsbror! | Dear Kitty. Some blog·

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